Why Mobility
There is no question that automation is the future of automotive.
But how does the law assign liability when the automated technology inside a vehicle is just as responsible—or exclusively responsible—for a collision as the human driver? And how do those responsible for assessing and managing risk—at the manufacturing level, in the insurance industry, or from a policy-making perspective—begin to re-consider that risk in this quickly evolving and chaotic environment?
We believe the starting point is the vehicle itself and its technology—quite simply, in a collision situation involving advanced automotive technologies, what car was being driven is far more important than what the driver was doing.
At Nelson Law LLC, we not only understand what questions to ask, but how to go about answering them. We understand how technologies like advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) work and the inherent challenges they present based on decades of combined litigation expertise, personal driving experiences, and a commitment to continual learning. We know first-hand that risk and liability no longer turn on the human operator, but on the human-machine interface, and we are uniquely prepared to help our clients work through the implications of this changing dynamic.
Learn more about who we are and what we do.